Monday, 15 June 2015

Week ending 12 June 2015 – the end game

This week had the external examiners visit and yours truly was at the end of a very long list of students. 

It was a different experience from the first encounter as it seemed to go very well. 

The next day the degree results were posted on the wall.  A very long walk to find out the results was rewarded with a pass.  Even better was the grade.  I was very pleasantly surprised.  The best part was finding out that all the 3rd year group have passed.  It has been a journey

I was so pleased by a visit from Abby Parkhouse from Alzheimer’s Scotland. I gave a tour of the exhibition and my work.   It was lovely to meet up with Abby again and tell her the positive response I have received about the work.  A little step to raise awareness of memory loss and remove the stigma.

 The positive response of selling 3 artworks.  (Layers of self, sound stories and layers of place).  The first artwork sold was a lovely moment and the 2nd and 3rd has really  boosted my euphoria. 
Layers of Place

Sound Stories

Layers of Self
A surreal moment with visits from the family and friends.  It was a strange experience to show my work to my nearest and dearest.  Without their support and encouragement none of this would have been possible.  It seems so little to say thank you but it is said with feeling and a BIG soppy HUG. 

Finally bringing all the work down and saying good bye to many of my friends, tutors, technicians, librarians and all the staff seems to have pulled all the heartstrings with a wee tear. 

Signing off for a while now and Just call me BAD Bachelor of Art and design. 

This was all for a very special person.  Missing you every day. 

Saturday, 6 June 2015

Week ending 5 June 2015 Setting up Exhibition

Exhibition layout plan

Exhibition Layout with measurements of each textile and mixed media artworks for reference during set up.
Health and safety talk

 A group talk to ensure safe working practices.
Room preparations

Wall Bracket & Hanging Tapestry  

Wall bracket & Hanging Tapestry
The students and helpers prepared the room by removing furniture. Covering the floor area to with tarpaulin to prevent paint spillages. 

Prepare the wall with polyfiller, sanding, eraser of any pencil marks
Apply Specialist wall paint and wait till dry.
Apply white emulsion to plinths
Clean paint brushes, trays, floor and tidy work area.
Mark off measurements for artwork placement

Measurements between Wall bracket /Hanging Tapestry/ Vertical float mount

Vertical float mount & Horizontal Measurements

Horizontal & Vertical measurements

2nd wall brackets
Erect wall brackets and placement of float mounts.
Fishing line suspension of 3 dimensional folded memory book

threading fishing line onto mount broad & carriage paper corner anchor point
Secured onto plinth with white tack

Folded memory book lifted off the floor via small plinth
Fishing line suspension corner anchor point with 3 dimensional memory book.  The corner anchor secured via the carriage paper and mount board. 
The hanging suspension length of approx. 2 metres lifted from the floor via small plinths.  The small plinth prevents damage to the 3 dimensional folded books and added a professional finish by framing the exhibition. 
Memory Threads 


Layers of Place, Sound Stories, Layers of Self and 3 dimensional Memory book
Sound Stories with QR codes 

QR codes placed under each photography 


Storage Box
The placement of the storage box next to the plinth allows access to a platform to display sketchbooks. Folders and maquettes.

Sketchbooks& folders

·         Idea sketchbook

·         Experimentation and development sketchbook

·         Construction sketchbook

·         Research folder

·         Alzheimer Scotland folder

All the sketchbooks and folders were stored within the storage box.  Construction sketchbook updated with recent exhibition presentation.

The plinth display of business cards and Dementia information leaflets with foam mount information notice inviting the public to take a copy.  A comments book has been placed on the plinth. 


Foam mounted Titles
As the titles were detracting from the exhibition work I included a single title information notice with a separate artist statement.  Two smaller information notices placed under Embroidery tapestry and Sound Stories.    


Tutor Assessment
During tutor assessment a copy of the Statement of Assessment and the experimentation and development sketchbook remain on the plinth with the storage box open to access the remaining course portfolio.

As I had anticipated that additional support would be required with the exhibition presentation I had asked and received help from a family member and technician.  A very big thank you for their kind support. 

 A very tiring and exhausting time that has only been achieved with the kind assistance of others. The exhibition presentation has been achieved with great success.  As I have received many positive comments about the resolved artworks and the layout presentation. 

Each stage of the exhibition preparation required time planning.   Ensuring the wall was prepared and painted and ready for the next stage.  The technician kindly mounted wall brackets and float mount. Suspension of fishing line with corner anchor of board mount and carriage paper with sewing needle.  The suspension of 3 dimensional folded memory books onto small plinth gave a secure placement.

A successful exhibition presentation was confirmed by the positive feedback within the comment book and conversations with members of the public. I have also received and accepted a financial offer for the Layers of Self 

Action Plan

The examiners are coming into the college to view all the BAD3 work.  Each student has been an allocated time.