Wednesday 30 October 2013

Week 7 - Construction of Design in Holiday week

                                                    Design Construction during holiday week

The holiday begins with thinking time for mid module feedback. An outing with my friend is always a treat and gives perspective to the project.

Design Construction Ink jet printer transferred photographic image onto freezer paper backed cotton textile. The image transferred cotton has additional layers of:-

 • Coloured muslin applied with bondaweb
 • Red ribbon applied with stitching
• The physicality of hand stitching the poetry text within a short time line required adaptation. Poetry text applied with gutta
• Mount Preparations

The Statement of Assessment form downloaded for final stage of project.

                                                                                 PDP REPORT
The 1st draft report layout requires to be fleshed out.

                                                                        CRITICAL & CONTEXTUAL STUDIOS
 Review recommended reading list.

Monday 14 October 2013

Week 6 - In the Mid-Module

freezer Paper

Studio Practice1- Concept Development
 Eureka moment with freezer paper and cotton textile explores layers of media.    
Layers Research
Layer of Reiki music stitched into textiles researched sound speakers and electrical equipment requires technical expertise of electronics.  An Alternative solution of sound Module has recording time limitations.
Layer of text for poetry researched possible option at MAKLAB exhibition.  The computerised sewing machine has endless possibilities for future projects.

Cyanotype Concept development 
Cyanotype blue coloured photographic imagery on cotton and muslin textiles layered with fabric paint and bondaweb coloured muslin.


Sample Mount Presentation
A small scale sample with plywood for mount presentation has textile attached with fabric glue. 
PDP - Creative Future Personal Graduation Report
The skeletal framework lays out the bare bones for the report and PowerPoint presentation. 
Studio Practice 1- Mid Module form
The form typed up, copied and ready for tutorial at the end of the week.  The tutorial form handed over to tutor and group discussion with 2 class colleagues had feedback suggestions for design construction.
Critical & Contextual Studies
The psychogeography homework discussed with class group continued into the whole class experiences.  
The History or HIS story Power Point with social production of knowledge concludes this unit block.  

Sunday 6 October 2013

Week 5 Eureka Moment

Eureka moment for the project sourced in a little book.  The book mentioned freezer paper and I was intrigued.  I was kindly given a free supply of freezer paper from a fellow student and a requested tutor workshop kindly demonstrated the methods led to experimentation.  This experimentation led to photographic image being transferred onto the textile. Eureka!
The project research of stitching and audio sound recording will  progress concept development 

The cyanotype printing process continued after drying the chemicals onto the textiles in the darkroom.  The photo sensitive textiles placed onto the acetate negative imagery within The UVA light exposure machinery. The light exposed textiles placed in water reveal subtle blue coloured photographic imagery. 
A review of research, concept development and these reflective blog will help write the mid module form.

The Tutor review of research for Graduation Plan gained insight.
The next stage is report writing and the Moodle site has the format so all I need is content ha!
Critical & Contextual Studies
The PowerPoint lecture "The Situationist International"  brings reflection of
Devised the concept of psychogeography: “the study of the precise laws and specific effects of the geographical environment, consciously organized or not, on the emotions and behavior of individuals” (Guy Debord)”
A tour of the campus requires psychogeophysical reflection for homework due next week.