Saturday 11 January 2014

Happy New Year 2014


Studio Practice 1 Part II
Brief “Emperor’s New Clothes”
Design Construction
Brief’s Theme “Emperor’s new clothes”
 2 textile and mixed media artworks
Title “Finding True”
Canvas based textile and mixed media with mirror
Cotton based textile and mixed media with child pointing yells “The emperor’s has no Clothes on” 

layer of textiles and mixed media

The placement of the presentation of textile and mixed media artworks in college
Scouting out possible locations revealed limited availability due to both art degree and HND students reserving spaces.

Critical & Contextual Studies
Preparation of draft recycling PowerPoint presentation
Research & Amend 4 slides
Practice and amendment of presentation to accommodate the 20 second slide duration.
The day for BAD2 power point presentation arrived.  I volunteered to go first mainly to get it over and done with before I forgot the sequence of slides and words.
The BAD2 Power point Presentations had both a wide and varied subject matter that open the eyes of this mature student. Well done everyone!

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