Saturday 30 May 2015

Week ending 29 May 2015 – Final Studio Class - The finishing touches


The last studio class before exhibition preparations begin.  The final push to the end of the degree is in full swing.

Exhibition Titles 
The exhibition titles have been submitted to the administration.  This will allow a uniform display of information for all students. 

 Exhibition Titles:  
Memory Threads
Random threads of memory are fragile and disappear into voids.  These outlined figures aim to put you in the picture about memory loss and raise awareness.

Layers of Place
Layers of memory voids given a sense of place with visual imagery.

   Layers of Self
The unique layers of personal identity revealed with layers of imagery.  The unique person behind memory loss is seen. 

  Sound Stories
Reminiscing stories about family photographs recorded to fill the memory voids. The sound accessed via smart phone QR code generator app.

Disclaimer: Accessing this QR code may/will incur usage of your personal data allowances.  Neither the artist nor FVC can be held liable. 

  Memory Books
A memory aid

QR Coding Symbols  
The Sound Stories artwork with three mixed media and textiles have individual photographs.  Each photograph has a reminiscing story that has been recorded.  This recording will be accessible via the smart phone application QR coding generator.
In the Exhibition titles I have included a disclaimer note:

The QR coding will require adequate spacing between each symbol to allow the Smart phone application generator application to work. As a solution, I have reduced the QR coding printing size to 40%. 

Each QR coding symbol will be placed under the appropriate story.  Each symbol has a different story.  The QR code symbols have been put onto foam broad to produce a more professional finish.
As part of the exhibition I will have a plinth that will have the display of the Alzheimer’s Scotland information leaflets and my business cards.  I selected a plinth and have prepared the surface with filler, sanding paper and paint. 
portfolio of work

 Gathering work together. The sketchbooks, research folder, Alzheimer Scotland folder will be presented in a storage box
Exhibition Space Preparation:
I was unable to prepare the wall area with paint as there were other artworks still in place.  I removed pencil marks with eraser.  The remaining pencil marks are under wall paste and cannot be removed with eraser.   I have cleaned the area with the embroidery. 
 Plinth reparation 
 3d folded memory books

The 3d folded memory books  will be suspended from wall brackets using fishing line.  I am considering putting a small plinth under each suspension.  This possibility will be explored during exhibition preparations.
Contextual Studies
 Essay submitted with CD copy.

This week has been a reflective one.  As time is going by so quickly I will be finishing with the studio classes.   I just need to remain focused on one step at a time and I will get to the end of the preparations.
The good points are that I have put the plans in hand to received assistance with preparations for exhibition.  The access to the wall has been restricted and this cannot be resolved until next week.   

I have remained focused on each task and with the assistance I have achieved the QR Coding foam mounts.  The exhibition titles are ready and waiting. 

 The portfolio of work for exhibition presentation is gathering together.  The preparations for exhibition are as ready with equipment and possible presentations plans have been considered.
  project's resolved artwork
 The layering of textiles and mixed media mediums.
Layering textiles and mixed media that includes family photographs, reminiscing stories and memory books.  
Memory Threads” - Horizontal Embroidery tapestry/ random embroidery threads/ embellished with hand stitched outline figures.  
• “Layers of Self”- Vertical photocopied paper base of various family photographs/ hand stitched attachment of random machine embroidery edging/ layered by transparent organza with image transferred photographic images that were attached off centre by hand stitching/ layer of a cream muslin with image transferred photographic imagery had cut out the figures to create a void. Hand stitched placement was not central / revealed edging overhang of previous layers to conveyed the random nature of memory/ layer of transparent coloured acetate with the central photographic imagery matched the paper layer imagery in size.  
• “ Layers of Place” – Vertical layers of void imagery transferred onto textiles and acetate / image transferred muslin hand stitched the attachment of edging of random machine stitched embroidery/ layer of organza with bondaweb material / layer of coloured A4 acetate with the photographic imagery without figures
• “Sound Stories”- Horizontal layered random machined stitched embroidery with 3 photographs /3 photographs layered with mixed media and textiles. Layer of QR coding symbols, a smart phone application, placed directly under composition.
• Two folding memory books created as 3D objects as hanging display photomontage.
These resolved artworks will raise awareness of memory loss and reduce the stigma.. 
This final week in studio class had been without space to work on the exhibition area.  The early access has not been possible.

Action Plan
Exhibition preparations:

Room preparation removal of artworks

Wall painting

Mounting artwork

Artists’ titles

Portfolio of work


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